Friday, October 26, 2012

Arthritis Home Remedy

 Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis

Arthritis means inflammation of a joint. There are over a hundred different forms of arthritis which can be subdivided into the following three major categories: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, and Gout. However, they all have the following common symptoms at the joint: redness, stiffness, swelling, and pain.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis typically affects the small finger joints, wrists, knees and toes. All joints of the body, however, are potential targets.
  • Osteoarthritis can affect any joint, but commonly occurs in the hips, knees, feet and spine.
  • Gout symptoms typically occur in lower limbs and first target the big toes. Pain can become so severe that even the weight of socks or bed sheets could be unbearable.
Arthritis can affect both women and men of almost all age groups and of all races. However, women are three times more vulnerable to arthritis than men. About 80 percent of patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis are between the ages of 35 and 50 but 65 to 85 percent of patients with Osteoarthritis are over the age of 65.
For more information about Gout, please see our Gout Home Remedies page.

Causes of Arthritis

Arthritis is usually a result of damage to or destruction of joint parts. The causes of arthritis are quite varied, but the most common are: genetics, age, infections, deficiency of organic sodium and minerals, trauma, mental or physical strain, obesity, cold weather, or excessive use of rich foods. Different forms of arthritis are caused by damage to different parts of a joint.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis usually sets off when the synovial membrane (which helps in the smooth movement of our joints) becomes inflamed and stiff. Ballerinas, weight lifters, construction workers and dancers are often the victims of Rheumatoid Arthritis due to the high strain on the joints in these professions.
  • Osteoarthritis involves damage and wear-and-tear to the cartilage (which is the elastic material that covers the end of each bone). Usually age and genetics are big factors in the break down of cartilage. Doctors believe that almost everyone over the age of sixty suffer from Osteoarthritis to some extent.
  • Gout is caused by the abnormal production of uric acid. When the body produces abnormally large amounts of uric acid, it is deposited as needle-like crystals in the joints instead of being excreted out of the body through urine. These crystals cause friction and severe pain when the joint is moved.

Home Remedies and Natural Cures for Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis Natural Cure Using Flax Seed Oil

Flax Seed Oil's main content, Omega-3 fats, help our body produce Prostaglandins Series 1 and 3, which are anti-inflammatory hormone-like molecules. These molecules help reduce the inflammation associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis.

Therefore, Flax Seed is often believed to be a natural cure for arthritis. Simply take one tablespoon of Flax Seed 3 times daily.
  • For breakfast, add Flax Seeds to your cereal, muffin, or bread, or mix ground Flax Seeds into chocolate/strawberry milk or orange juice.
  • For lunch and dinner, Flax Seeds can be ground and sprinkled directly onto almost any meal.
Flax Seed Oil can also be used instead of the raw seeds. Take 1 teaspoon of Flax Seed Oil 3 times daily. The oil can be added to food as well. Continue this remedy for at least one month to cure the primary forms of arthritis.

Arthritis Home Remedy Using Epsom Salt

Epsom Salt is high in magnesium. Magnesium is important for bone growth and regulates the body's pH level. A deficiency of magnesium lowers the ability of the body to absorb and use calcium and phosphorus, which are the two primary bone-building minerals.

The following home remedies using Epsom Salt can be used to reduce the symptoms associated with arthritis. NOTE: If you have heart or kidney disease, consult your doctor before using these remedies. Excessive magnesium can cause diarrhea, nausea, cramps, muscle weakness, and heart abnormalities.
  • Mix 3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of Epsom Salt in one pint of warm water and take one teaspoon in the morning and one at night.
  • Add three cups of Epsom Salt in hot bath water and soak in it. The magnesium in the salt is absorbed by the body and it soothes and relaxes the stiff joints and muscles.

Arthritis Home Remedy Using Alfalfa Seeds

A tea made from Alfalfa, especially from its seeds, has shown beneficial results in the treatment of arthritis. Simply add one teaspoon of Alfalfa seeds to one cup of boiling water. Take three to four cups of this tea daily for approximately two weeks to reduce inflammation. Another option is to regularly take alfalfa capsules or add a small amount of alfalfa to your diet.

Natural Treatment for Arthritis Pain Using Cinnamon

Recent studies have shown that Cinnamon is a remarkable natural treatment for arthritis pain. Simply add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast. Repeat this daily for one month. Results should be noticeable within the first week.

Preventing and Treating Arthritis With Cod Liver Oil

Research has shown that consuming a small amount of Cod Liver Oil each day can potentially slow down cartilage degeneration, which is one of the main symptoms of osteoarthritis. Additionally, the omega-3 acids contained in the oil can help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. Therefore, simply consuming 1 to 2 teaspoons of cod liver oil daily could be very beneficial.

Arthritis Pain Relief With Turmeric

Turmeric, a common spice in Indian cuisine, has been used to reduce inflammation for hundreds of years in Ayurvedic medicine. Not surprisingly, by taking 500mg to 1000mg Turmeric capsules three times per day, many individuals have reported significant relief from osteoarthritis pain.

Using Ginger to Relieve Arthritis Pain

Similar to Turmeric, the common kitchen spice Ginger has been found to be an effective natural anti-inflammatory. Therefore, a great remedy for Arthritis is to peel and slice 1/2 inch of fresh ginger and take it with each meal.

Arthritis Free For Life

Learn about a breakthrough remedy for Arthritis that claims it can help you:
  • Eliminate MOST - if not ALL - of your arthritis in just one month!
  • Get back to living your life without the pain, inflammation, and stiffness.
Click here to find out more about this treatment. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Turmeric Health Benefits

 What is Turmeric?

Turmeric is a perennial plant of the ginger family, and its mustard yellow powder is commonly used as a culinary spice in South Asia. However, Turmeric also has an active medicinal ingredient called Curcumin which has many anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and anti-bacterial properties.

What are the Benefits of Turmeric?

The health benefits of Turmeric have been recognized by Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for hundreds of years. It has been used to treat everyday problems such as indigestion and flatulence, as well as more serious problems such as arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, diabetes, HIV, high cholesterol, heartburn, jaundice, liver disorders, and menstrual disorders. Turmeric can also be applied topically in poultices to reduce inflammation and to relieve wounds, cuts, and bruises.

Uses of Turmeric

Alzheimer's Disease

Inflammation inside of the brain has been suspected to be one of the contributing factors in the development of Alzheimer's disease. Studies have shown that Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activity. Therefore, regular daily consumption of Turmeric capsules may be an effective way to prevent the onset of Alzheimer's.


Due to its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, it is not surprising that Turmeric is now being used as an effective natural remedy for Arthritis pain. Therefore, taking 500mg to 1000mg Turmeric capsules three times per day may provide significant relief from osteoarthritis pain.


Since turmeric is an anti-inflammatory, it can help reduce the inflammation associated with asthma. Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk, and drink this mixture as an effective asthma home remedy.


Several recent studies have found that Turmeric can induce apoptosis, a process that triggers the self-destruction and elimination of damaged (cancerous) cells. Further research is still required before the full effects of Turmeric on cancer cells can be determined. However, existing studies suggest that daily Turmeric powder or supplements combined with a balanced, nutritious diet may help prevent or even destroy cancer cells.

Colds and Flu

Turmeric's anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal agents can help our body fight against colds, cough and flu. Therefore, when symptoms of these infections are present, simply mix one teaspoon of Turmeric powder into a glass of warm milk once per day. Also drink plenty of water throughout the day.


Recent studies have shown that the antioxidant agents in Turmeric help reduce insulin resistance, which may prevent the onset of Type-2 Diabetes. Therefore, a simple preventive remedy is to take one teaspoon of turmeric powder twice a day with meals. Curcumin extracts or capsules can also be used as an alternative to the powder.


Turmeric's key ingredient Curcumin is known for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, Turmeric powder can help in healing cuts, wounds, and other skin infections including boils.
  • Heat one cup of Flax Seed Oil in a small saucepan on the stove.
  • Thinly slice a small onion and add it to the hot oil.
  • Fry the onions until they are dark brown and crunchy.
  • Remove the brown onions and mix 2 tablespoons of Turmeric powder into the oil.
  • Turn off the stove and let the oil cool down to a temperature that is comfortable to touch.
  • Using a cotton swab, apply a small amount of the oil onto the injured or infected skin area.
  • Apply this three times per day until the wound or infection is cured.
  • Save the remaining oil into an airtight container for future use.
For internal injuries, fractures, sprains, and herniated disks, dip a piece of unbleached cotton fabric into the warm Turmeric oil. The fabric or cotton pad should be large enough to cover the outer skin of the affected area. Secure it in place and leave this cotton pad on overnight.

You can also add one teaspoon of turmeric powder into a warm glass of milk and drink it before going to bed to prevent internal inflammation and infections.

Weight Loss

Curcumin in Turmeric powder has been found to help increase the flow of bile, an important component in the breakdown of dietary fat. Therefore, taking one teaspoon of Turmeric powder with every meal may be an effective weight loss aid when combined with a healthy diet and exercise program.

What are the Side Effects of Turmeric?

Moderate use of Turmeric powder as part of regular diet is fairly safe, and recent studies have found that a dosage of 500mg capsules of Turmeric three times per day is safe. However, prolonged consumption of high doses of Turmeric extract may cause stomach or liver distress, as well as dehydration and constipation. Therefore, it should be avoided by people with gallstones or bile obstructions. If you are currently taking blood thinners (including Aspirin), you should consult your doctor before taking Turmeric since it is an anti-platelet (prevents blood clots).

Where and How to Buy Turmeric

Turmeric powder can be purchased at many Indian/Pakistani grocery stores. However, Curcumin concentrations can be up to 18 times higher in capsules and tablets compared to powdered Turmeric spice. Therefore, Turmeric supplements which can be found in many natural or health food stores are recommended for maximal health benefits. 

Acid Reflux Home Remedy

 Signs and Symptoms of Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Heartburn is a condition in which the liquid content of the stomach backs up (refluxes) into the esophagus. The most common and persistent symptom of Heartburn is a burning sensation centered in the middle of the chest and/or throat, brought on by stomach acid that churns up onto the lining of the esophagus.

Acid Reflux, also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), is a condition which has many symptoms that are similar to heartburn. In many cases, people suffering from Acid Reflux typically suffer from persistent heartburn two or more days per week. In the long term, this can be very serious since, over time, the reflux of stomach acid can erode or wear away the delicate esophagus lining. This can then lead to scar tissue, which causes swallowing problems. GERD has also been linked to an increased risk of esophageal cancer. However, some people have Acid Reflux without heartburn. In such cases, symptoms include chest pain, wheezing, coarseness in the throat, breathing problems, a bitter taste in the mouth, dry coughing, interrupted sleep, tightness in the throat, and halitosis or bad breath. Acid reflux can also lead to regurgitation of acid into the mouth, often due to overeating or bending down or going to bed right after a meal.

Causes of Acid Reflux

Just like other health conditions, there is not one specific cause of Acid Reflux and Heartburn. However, a malfunction of a band of muscle tissue called the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) can ultimately lead to many of the problems and symptoms associated with Acid Reflux and Heartburn. The LES is a complex area of smooth muscles and various hormones, which is responsible for the opening and closing of the lower end of the esophagus when we eat and swallow. It normally keeps the stomach contents from regurgitating, but due to certain physical conditions it can weaken and lose its contraction control. If this happens, the LES fails to close up and cannot maintain the pressure barrier between stomach and esophagus. As a result, acid and pepsin from the stomach can back up and cause acidity and heartburn in the esophagus.

The most common causes of Acid Reflux and Heartburn include:
  • stress
  • some antidepressants and sedatives
  • elevated hormone levels during pregnancy
  • eating before going to bed
  • eating large meals
  • slower emptying of the stomach
  • frequently eating greasy, fried, and fatty foods
  • smoking
  • alcohol
  • drinking lots of bubbly (carbonated) beverages such as soda
  • diseases that weaken the esophageal muscle (such as scleroderma, mixed connective tissue disease, or hiatal hernias)

Home Remedies and Natural Cures for Acid Reflux Treatment

Acid Reflux Home Remedy Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is an amazing remedy for Acid Reflux. It may sound bizarre to drink an acid as a cure for an acid problem, but there are good acids and bad acids and Apple Cider Vinegar is among the good ones.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to 1/2 glass of water.
  • Sip this glass of water while eating your dinner.

Herbal Remedy for Acid Reflux Using Ginger Root

Ginger Root is an amazing natural herb that is known to absorb stomach acid and have the secondary effect of calming the nerves. For an effective natural remedy from the symptoms of acid reflux, try the following:
  • Purchase ginger root capsules from a natural health food or nutritional store.
  • Regularly take one capsule immediately after dinner.

Natural Cure for Acid Reflux Using Fennel Seeds

Fennel seed is an aromatic but powerful herb that helps in digestive conditions and has many other benefits. Fennel seeds contain a compound known as Anethole, which is known to suppress spasms of the stomach or gastrointestinal tract spasms. Therefore, it is considered to be an effective remedy for Acid Reflux.
  • Take half a tea spoon of Fennel Seeds and chew them slowly after your meals.

Using Anise and Lavender Tea as a Remedy for Heartburn

Here is a tea that you can make to help relieve the symptoms of heartburn, since it reduces the amount of acid you have in your stomach. Note that some variants of this remedy suggest adding peppermint, but this is NOT recommended since peppermint is known to relax the LES (described earlier), which is exactly what you don't want to do.
  • Mix together equal amounts of aniseed and lavender.
  • Boil 2 1/2 cups of distilled water.
  • Pour the boiling water over a teaspoon of the herbal mixture.
  • Let this tea sit for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Strain the tea and add a little bit of honey as a natural sweetener.
  • Drink up to 8 oz of this tea in the morning and 8 oz in the evening to get relief from acid reflux or heartburn.

Chinese Plant Compound Wipes out Cancer in 40 Days, Says New Research

A little-known plant with a truly bizarre name is now making headlines as a cancer killer, with the compound of the plant vanishing tumors in mice with pancreatic cancer. Known as the ‘thunder god vine’ or lei gong teng, the Chinese plant is actually integrated into Chinese medicine and has been used for ages in remedying a number of conditions including rheumatoid arthritis.

According to the new research out of the University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Center, the thunder god plant compound led to no signs of tumors after a 40 day period — even after discontinuing the treatment. Published in the journal Science Translational Medicine and funded by the National Institutes of Health, even the scientists working on the project were stunned by the anti-cancer properties of the compound. Known to contain something known as triptolide, which has been identified as a cancer fighter in previous research, it is thought to be the key component that may be responsible for the anti-tumor capabilities.

Study leader and vice chairman of research at the Cancer Center explained to Bloomberg how he was blown away by the effects of the simple plant:
“This drug is just unbelievably potent in killing tumor cells,” he said.
And just like with numerous other powerful substances like turmeric and ginger, mainstream science is still slowly confirming what many traditional practitioners have known for their entire lives. This is, of course, due to the fact that there is simply no money for major corporations in researching the healing powers of natural herbs and compounds such as the compound found in the thunder god vine. Turmeric and ginger, for example, have been found to be amazing anti-cancer substances that are virtually free compared to expensive and dangerous cancer drugs.

Nevertheless, the Big Pharma sponsored corporate scientists have managed to ignore these spices as much as possible. In fact, they have even been caught time and time again faking thousands of studies to fraudulently demonstrate the supposed value of pharmaceutical drugs pushed by major pharma juggernauts — many of which are later forced to pay millions in fines which only slightly stack up against their billions in profits.

Profits that are threatened by the many real studies that were performed by scientists examining the rejeuvenating power of cheap ingredients like turmeric, which has been found by peer-reviewed research available on PubMed to positively influence over 590 conditions.

While it is great news that this study is bringing the beneficial effects of inexpensive and near-free plant compounds to light, the bad news is that the individuals responsible for the research are actually looking to create a pharmaceutical drug from the essential component triptolide. A drug that will seek FDA approval and ultimately be patented, nutritionally ruined, and sold for exorbitant amounts of cash. Instead, just get your hands on some thunder god vine for yourself.